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  3. D22: Probar 2D for BricsCAD®

Linked bars

Dynamic links can be created to show bars in more than one view

Four commands are available:

Link Bar

Dynamically link two bars with one another. Two bars must be selected individually. The first bar is the one who's properties will be inherited. The second bar inherits the first bar's properties and won't be added to the schedule.

Link Bar Zones

Link single and group bars together. Used to create a group from a single bar entity. The group's quantities are scheduled, while the single bar is ignored. There is an option to flip the rebar view for the group. This is useful to create an elevation view of bars previously drawn in section.

View Linked Bars

Select linked bars to view. The drawing is zoomed, and the linked bar entities selected.

Remove Link

Remove dynamic link between two bars.