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  3. D22: Probar 2D for BricsCAD®

Reduce bar dimensions with cover

Rebar is normally drawn to the face of the concrete element and dimensions reduced afterward to accommodate concrete cover

In this article

Cover settings

The top, bottom, and side cover dimensions are set in the Bar Settings panel of the Rebar Setup dialogue. 


Reduce with cover in drawing command

The last command prompt for all the Add Bar functions is

Reduce bar size with cover <Y/N>
  • Y (Yes): subtracts the top, bottom, and side cover dimensions in the front view
  • N (No): No reduction for cover is made 

Apply cover afterwards

Bar dimensions can be reduced with cover after being drawn using the Apply Cover (REDC) command.

Only reduce cover on range line

For rebar entities with range lines, the cover can optionally be subtracted only on the range line and not on the bar dimensions in the front view. This is useful when cover has already been included in the front view dimensions.