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  2. Products
  3. D02: Probar 2D for AutoCAD®

Renumbering of Bars

How to automatically renumber bars in Probar 2D’s scheduler

There are 3 different methods available to renumber rebar entities automatically within Probar 2D's scheduler. To renumber rebar members follow the steps:

  • Open the Scheduler from the Probar 2D ribbon in AutoCAD®
  • Go to the Modify tab in the Scheduler
  • Type in an increment number - the renumbering of the rebar entities will start from the specified increment
  • From the drop-down menu, select one of the 3 methods to use to renumber the bars:
    • Scheduler selected cells
    • Selected members
    • Drawing selection
  • Choose whether to renumber continuously, i.e., for all members or to restart the bar number at each member
  • Select the bars that should be renumbered - the selection method is dependent on the method chosen

Rebar entities within your schedule, as well as within your drawing will update accordingly.